Club Chartering & Funding

Club Creation: The Process

1. Find a sponsor! 

Ask an NCSSM employee to sponsor your club! Any adult member of the NCSSM community can be a sponsor. Be proactive in informing them of their role as a sponsor and the guidelines they must follow.

Club Sponsor Expectations

 2. The Club Chartering and Rechartering Form

Collect information about your club, complete the Club Chartering From (linked below), and submit it for review by the Student Body Treasurer and Student Senate. This will allow you to be officially sponsored by Student Government and have the ability to request funding from SG to support your club!

2024-2025 Club Chartering and Rechartering Form

3. Club Sponsor Confirmation

Reach out to your club sponsor and have them submit the SG Club Sponsor Confirmation form (linked below). In order to qualify for SG club funding and to receive an official SG club charter, an adult NCSSM sponsor must submit the club sponsor confirmation form on behalf of each club they have agreed to sponsor.

2024-2025 Club Sponsor Confirmation Form

Student Government reviews all club charter forms at its weekly Senate meeting. Once a decision is made by the Senate, please check the official spreadsheet of chartered clubs to see if your club has been chartered.

Student Government Can Fund Your Club!

To request club funding, please follow these steps:

If your funding is approved, please make sure to:

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):