What is UNCASG?
The University of North Carolina Association of Student Governments is a student-led organization that advocates for all the 230,000+ students in the UNC system.
What is an ASG Grant?
Through the UNCASG Campus Initiatives program students can request funding for projects that are classified as either Campus Innovation, Diversity Initiatives, or Voter Education grants.
How can I apply?
Email your sponsor stating that you are looking to apply for an ASG Grant
Fill out the form below along with your ASG application at least 3 weeks before the start of each ASG business meeting.
Make sure to keep in contact with Ms. Ashe and SG concerning your funding request.
Will the check be written out to me?
No, the check is written out to NCSSM which is why communication with both Ms. Ashe and your sponsor is vital so that the money can be used for your granted project.
When are Grant Applications due? (Applications are due approximately 3 weeks prior to each monthly meeting)