Join SG!


SG's 44th session is excited to share several opportunities for you to get involved with Student Government this year! Below you'll find a comprehensive outline of various opportunities to get involved with SG. You'll be notified by email of important dates (start date, due date) for each application/election.

Board Member at Large

As a Board Member at Large, you will get to design and work on a project idea that can better the NCSSM community through the resources and connections of SG.

You will have $100 of SG funding to complete your project. If more money is needed, we can find other funding venues such as ASG. As a part of SG, you can consult our Director of PR and Director of IT for graphic design, publicizing information, or creating a website feature. Finally, you will have the President’s consultation and backing in negotiations or meetings with other administrators or faculty members.

Please use this Google Form to apply. Applications are reviewed on a rolling basis!

Join a Senate Committee

What: A great way to get involved with Student Government is to join the Senate’s committees! 

Who: Each committee is led by a Senior Senator.

When: each committee is open for all students to join at any point in the year.

Join each of the committees' mailing list by clicking the button below! The purpose of the mailing list is to help you get in touch with the Senior Senators so we can get our committees started. Important weekly updates and additional contact information will be communicated to you through the mailing list. Come out  to weekly meetings and help out with various programming and projects!

Please use this Google Form to join!

Junior Senators & Dorm Senators!

During the fall of your junior year, you'll have the opportunity to run for junior senator and dorm senator positions. There will be six (6) junior senators (one focusing on each senate committee) elected from the Durham campus and six (6) junior senators elected from the Morganton campus. There will also be seven (7) dorm senators elected from the Durham campus (one for Beall, Bryan, Reynolds, Hunt West, Hunt East, Hill, Royall) and two (2) dorm senators elected from the Morganton campus (North & South). Both the junior and dorm senator positions are election-based and are a great way to contribute to NCSSM SG. For more information, check out our elections page for information about the Fall election cycle which includes Junior Senator Elections and Dorm Senator Elections.

Senior Senators

During the spring of your junior year, you'll have the opportunity to run for senior senator. There will be six (6) senior senators for the Durham Campus and six (6) senior senators for the Morganton Campus.


During the spring of your junior year, you'll have the opportunity to run for Student Body President (SBP), Student Body Treasurer (SBT), and Student Senate President (SSP) for the upcoming school year.

Executive Board

During the spring of your junior year, you'll have the opportunity to apply to be a member of the Executive Board. Current Executive Board positions include: 

Treasury Board

During the spring of your junior year, you'll have the opportunity to apply to be a member of the Treasury Board. Current Treasury Board positions include: